Orange mug cake in the microwave | Sugar and Gluten Free

how to make oatmeal flour orange mug cake

Ah, this orange mug cake in the microwave is such a lifesaver when you’re craving something sweet but don’t feel like making anything elaborate, you i’ll see there are so many reasons to love this recipe!

Plus, if you’re feeling adventurous, we’ll also include how to transform this recipe into a delightful chocolate orange mug cake and a keto orange mug cake.

3 reasons why you’ll love this recipe

  • It’s ready in less than two minutes in the microwave.
  • It’s a sweet and delicate treat that’s perfect for a snack, breakfast, or a healthy dessert.
  • Made with natural ingredients, it’s also sugar-free and gluten-free.

Watch the recipe’s Video

Check out the video we’ve put together! It’s quick and shows that there’s no mystery to making this orange mug cake. Right below the video, you’ll also find:

  • Types, substitutions, and the best ingredients for different goals.
  • Common mistakes to avoid and tips for an amazing recipe.
  • The step-by-step recipe with photos and ingredient quantities.
  • How to store, freeze, reheat, and variations of the recipe.
  • A printable recipe card with quantities and nutritional information (at the end of the article) + FAQs.


orange mug cake for breakfast

You’ll need:

  • A microwave-safe mug
  • A fork to give the ingredients a good mix

If you prefer to avoid mess, you can use an extra pot to mix everything before pouring it into the mug. But if you want fewer dishes to wash, just mix everything directly in the mug and you’re done!

Choosing Ingredients: Substitutions, Types, and Benefits for (Recipe Name)

Choosing the right ingredients can completely transform your recipe. Here are some tips and information on how to select and substitute ingredients for your orange mug cake, ensuring it is delicious and fits your lifestyle.

The quantities are listed in the preparation instructions below and on the printable recipe card at the end of this article.

Dough Ingredients:

microwave orange mug cake

Best Oranges for the Recipe: The ideal choice is fresh, juicy oranges since they are the star of the cake. If you don’t have oranges, bergamots will work too. The important thing is that the fruit is very ripe and full of juice to give the cake that citrus flavor and freshness.

Egg: The egg is fundamental to the cake’s structure. If you’re counting calories, you can use just the white. For vegans, we haven’t yet found a direct substitution in this recipe.

Sweetener: The choice is yours! Xylitol and erythritol are great low-calorie options, while stevia is a natural alternative that also works well, even if it has a slightly different taste.

Coconut Flour: This flour is a bit harder to replace due to its unique texture and flavor. It adds a sweet touch to the cake. If you can’t find it, look for it in health food stores, where it might be cheaper.

Oatmeal: A classic choice in the fitness world. If you follow a fitness guided diet, you probably have some at home. Oatmeal gives the cake a denser and tastier texture. However, you can easily substitute it if needed.

  • Consider almond flour for fewer calories.
  • Use wheat flour for a more traditional option.
  • Try whey protein for a protein boost (use sparingly to avoid overwhelming the taste).

You can see more about healthy flours options here.

Milk + Butter: You might be familiar with heavy cream, which is popular because it makes recipes creamier. For this recipe, you can use heavy cream if you prefer, but for a more natural and healthy-ish alternative, we’re going with milk and butter.

  • You can use any kind of milk: plant-based, lactose-free, etc. (we tested it and it worked with all of them).
  • Butter is a bit trickier to replace. Without it, the dough may not be as soft, but it still works. Olive oil can leave an aftertaste, so coconut oil is the best alternative. Butter adds a rich flavor and a softer texture to the dough.

Baking Powder: Essential for making our microwave orange mug cake rise. To ensure that the baking powder is fresh and active, check the expiration date and store it in a dry place.

Ingredients for the topping and different options:

low carb/keto orange mug cake

The Topping We Chose: Simply delicious, it consists of plain/natural yogurt + honey + orange juice + orange zest. If you prefer, you can substitute honey with a sweetener or maple syrup and all its healthy variations, or if you’re accustomed to less sugar, simply skip this step.

See the step-by-step instructions in the preparation section, after the mug cake instructions.

Condensed Milk: If you’re a fan of condensed milk but want a healthier version, this option is perfect. Mix a tablespoon of sugar free condensed milk with a teaspoon of orange juice for a delicious and healthier topping. If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s worth giving this recipe a shot!

With Whey Protein: For fitness enthusiasts seeking an extra protein boost, whey protein topping is an excellent choice. Simply mix whey with a little water and a teaspoon of orange juice until it reaches the desired consistency. This topping not only increases the protein content but also adds a touch of creaminess.

With Sweetener: Simple and easy? We’ve got you covered. Just mix a teaspoon of orange juice with a tablespoon of sweetener and heat in the microwave until the sweetener melts completely. This topping is light and adds practically no extra calories to your cake.

With Chocolate: Looking to add a chocolatey twist to your orange mug cake recipe? Try this simple method: Decrease the cooking time of the cake by about 30 seconds, then add chocolate chips to the batter and return it to the microwave for another 30 seconds. Once the chocolate has melted, spread it over the cake for an irresistible topping.

How to Make Orange Cake in Microwave (Step-by-step guide with images)

For a delicious orange mug cake, follow the instructions below. This recipe is quick and easy, resulting in a tasty and healthier cake that can be made in the microwave.

how to make orange mug cake

Step 1 (optional)

Start by grating an orange; this step is optional since you’ll only be using the orange zest to finish, along with the icing. If you’re feeling a bit lazy, feel free to skip this step. However, if you’re up for something a bit more special and fancy, I recommend including the orange zest in your recipe.

orange zest

Step 2

Break an egg and beat it until the white and yolk are completely mixed. This ensures that the cake doesn’t have an egg aftertaste.


Step 3

Next, add a tablespoon of xylitol or your preferred sweetener (adjust the amount according to the sweetening capacity of your chosen sweetener). Also, add two tablespoons of oat flour and two tablespoons of coconut flour. Mix well until all the ingredients are incorporated.

sweetner, coconut flour and oat flour

Step 4

Cut up the orange and squeeze out the equivalent of five tablespoons of orange juice. Add four tablespoons to the dough mixture.

orange juice

Step 5

Melt a teaspoon of butter in the microwave. Then, add two tablespoons of milk to the container with the melted butter. If you prefer, you can replace the butter and milk with heavy cream.

butter and milk

Step 6

Transfer the butter and milk mixture to the cake batter and mix.

fluffy dough

Step 7

Add the baking powder to the batter and mix gently.


Step 8

Pour the batter into a large microwave-safe mug or divide it between two medium/small microwave-safe containers. Cook in the microwave for 1.5 minutes on medium power, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. If you are using two containers, cook them one at a time for best results.

one minute and a half in the microwave

how to make the topping for the orange mug cake

Step 1

In a small bowl, prepare the topping by mixing a tablespoon of plain/natural yogurt with honey and a tablespoon of the remaining orange juice. Adjust the amount of honey according to your preference for sweetness.

Quick tip: You can replace natural/plain yogurt with greek yogurt for more protein.

plain iogurt

Step 2

Finish the cake by drizzling it with the yogurt syrup.

mug cake topping

Step 3

Decorate the top of the cake with the orange zest.

if you want, you can also place the orange zest in a frying pan and heat over low heat. Let them dehydrate until they are dry and crunchy. Not only will it add flavor, but also provide a crunchy texture and a charming appearance.

And that’s the end result:

healthy orange mug cake

Recipe Variations

Did you enjoy the recipe but looking to mix things up a bit? Well, here are some ideas for you:

Chocolate orange mug cake

Orange cake in a mug with a chocolate twist? That’s a fantastic choice! If you’re keen on a full recipe, complete with a video and all the trimmings, for a fit chocolate orange mug cake, just drop us a line in the comments, and we’ll whip it up for you!

But for now, here are three simple ways to tweak this recipe for a more chocolaty version, along with some handy tips:

  1. Chocolate in the Middle of the Cake:
    • Prepare the cake batter as described in the original recipe.
    • Before microwaving, add a piece of chocolate to the center of the batter. This will create a delightful heart of melted chocolate when the cake is baked.
  2. Chopped Chocolate on Top:
    • After preparing the batter, chop a piece of chocolate and place it on top of the batter before baking. As the cake cooks, the chocolate will melt and spread over the top, forming a scrumptious icing.
  3. Melted Chocolate in the Batter:
    • Before adding any other ingredients, melt the chocolate you want to use and mix it directly into the bowl.
    • Then, add the egg and the remaining recipe ingredients, mixing well. This will infuse the batter with a rich chocolate flavor.

Valuable tips:

orange mug cake recipe

You know, all the recipes here undergo rigorous testing, right? Well, in our trials, we’ve picked up a few pointers to keep an eye on:

  1. Type of Chocolate: We experimented with various chocolates and found that using 70% chocolate tended to mask the delicate orange flavor. Sweeter chocolates, especially white chocolate, work better for this recipe.
  2. Amount of Chocolate: Adding one or two pieces of chocolate still yields excellent results without needing to adjust other ingredients. However, it’s worth noting that the nutritional value and calories will inevitably change.
  3. Quality of Chocolate: Quality matters! We once tested this recipe with a lower-quality chocolate, and while it wasn’t terrible chocolate per se, it lacked the qualities we always strive for. Right from the start, the chocolate didn’t mix well with the egg; it kind of “thickened,” resulting in a less than stellar outcome.

Keto orange mug cake

To create a ketogenic version of the orange mug cake, you’ll need to tweak the recipe to reduce the carbohydrates and increase the healthy fats. Here’s how to adapt it:

  1. Flour Replacement: Swap out the oat flour with almond flour or another low-carb flour suitable for a ketogenic diet.
  2. Sweetener Substitute: Use a non-carbohydrate sweetener like erythritol or stevia instead of xylitol, if needed, to maintain the ketogenic aspect of the recipe.
  3. Boost Healthy Fats: Increase the amount of butter or opt for coconut oil to introduce more healthy fats into the recipe, aligning with ketogenic principles.

Can i prepare this orange mug in Advance?

how to make oatmeal flour orange mug cake

Absolutely! Our mug cake’s batter tend to have a very similar structure, and it’s no coincidence. That base just works wonders—it’s reliable and downright tasty.

Storing in the Fridge:

  1. Allow the mug cake to cool completely after baking.
  2. Cover the mug with plastic wrap or a food-safe lid to keep it moist.
  3. Place the covered mug in the fridge, where it’ll stay fresh for 2-3 days.

Freezing Instructions:

  1. Let the mug cake cool down entirely.
  2. Package it up carefully: either transfer it to an airtight container or wrap it in plastic wrap followed by aluminum foil to keep it from getting freezer burn.
  3. Label the container with the date and type of cake for easy identification later.
  4. Freeze the cake for up to 1 month for the best quality.

How to Reheat the Orange Mug Cake Recipe:

orange mug cake for one

From the Refrigerator:

  1. Remove the plastic wrap covering the cake, if you’ve used it.
  2. Pop the cake into the microwave for around 15-30 seconds, or until it’s heated through. Keep an eye on it as microwave power can vary.

From the Freezer:

  1. Ideally, let the cake defrost in the fridge beforehand for best results.
  2. Once it’s defrosted, follow the same reheating steps as above.

Nutritional Information from MyFitnessPal:

We’ve got your back to make incorporating this mug cake into your routine a breeze! We’ve already crunched the numbers and calculated all the ingredient quantities in MyFitnessPal. This means you’ll have access to all the macros and calories, making life simpler for you.

Orange Mug Cake (Serves 2 Small Portions)

Nutritional Breakdown per Serving (Excluding toppings):

  • Calories: 139
  • Total fat: 8.3 g
  • Total carbs: 12.3 g
  • Proteins: 5.3 g

If you’re making a different version of the recipe, such as the keto orange mug cake or the chocolate orange mug cake we talked about earlier, know that the calories will be different.

What to Serve with the Recipe:

The choice depends on your approach. If you’re into analyzing nutritional info to meet your meal’s macros, look for what complements your dietary needs. But if you’re more intuitive, here are some delightful combos:

  • Natural unsweetened Greek yogurt (packed with protein)
  • A serving of fresh or dried fruit (loaded with carbs)
  • Sugar-free granola (a carb boost)
  • Peanut butter or any oilseed butter (brimming with healthy fats)

Mistakes to Avoid and Tips for an Amazing Recipe:

easy chocolate orange mug cake

  1. Beat the Egg Thoroughly: Ensure the egg yolk and white blend seamlessly to prevent any eggy taste.
  2. Measure Ingredients Precisely: Accurate measurements maintain the right ingredient balance, delivering the perfect texture.
  3. Don’t Crowd the Mug: Leave ample space for the cake to rise without spilling over.
  4. Adjust Cooking Time: Microwaves vary in power, so tweak the cooking duration as needed.

With these pointers, your mug cake experience is bound to be nothing short of spectacular!

Other Recipes you might enjoy

Recipe Card for printing

healthy orange mug cake

Orange mug cake in the microwave | Sugar and Gluten Free

Make an orange mug cake in the microwave in less than 2 minutes! This quick and easy recipe is sugar-free, gluten-free, and made with natural ingredients. Perfect for a healthy snack, breakfast, or dessert.
Prep Time 5 minutes
microwave time 2 minutes
Total Time 7 minutes
Course Dessert, healthy sweet, Snack


For the Mug Cake:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon sweetener xylitol, stevia, or your preferred sweetener
  • 2 tablespoons oat flour or any flour you prefer
  • 2 tablespoons coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 4 tablespoons orange juice
  • 2/3 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract optional

For the topping:

  • 1 tablespoon natural yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon orange juice
  • Orange zest for decoration
  • Directions:


Mug Cake:

  • Begin by cracking the egg into a bowl and whisking until the yolk and white are thoroughly combined.
  • Add the sweetener, oat flour, and coconut flour to the bowl, mixing well until all ingredients are fully incorporated.
  • Incorporate four tablespoons of orange juice into the mixture.
  • Melt the butter in the microwave, then combine it with the milk.
  • Transfer the butter and milk mixture into the cake batter.
  • Gently fold in the baking powder.
  • Pour the batter into a microwave-safe bowl and microwave on high power for 2 minutes.


  • Heat the orange zest in a frying pan over low heat until it becomes dehydrated.
  • In a small bowl, combine the natural yogurt, honey, and orange juice.
  • Finish the cake by drizzling the yogurt syrup over it and garnishing with the dehydrated orange zest.
KEYWORD Easy, microwave, oatmeal

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

microwave orange mug cake

How many calories are in this orange mug cake?

The orange mug cake contains approximately 278 calories, according to My Fitness Pal. However, this calorie count may vary depending on the specific ingredients used in your recipe. For a precise calculation, it’s best to tally up the calories based on the exact ingredients and quantities you incorporate.

Why are orange mug cakes so trendy?

Well, there are a few reasons. Firstly, they’re incredibly convenient—perfect for those with jam-packed schedules who still crave a homemade indulgence. Plus, they’re a healthier option compared to traditional cakes, typically boasting lower sugar and fat content.

What is the orange mug cake made of?

It’s all about simple, wholesome ingredients that offer a healthier twist on classic cakes. You’ll typically find oatmeal or almond flour, a low-calorie sweetener like stevia or erythritol, eggs for protein, zesty orange juice and zest for that citrusy kick, baking powder for the rise, and sometimes a touch of oil or butter for that soft texture. Some folks even jazz it up with chocolate or other flavorful additions for an extra treat.

How to make a orange mug cake?

To whip up a delicious orange mug cake, grab your trusty microwave-safe mug and gather these simple ingredients: egg, sweetener, oat flour and coconut flour, milk, butter, orange juice, and baking powder. Optionally, you can prepare a syrup to drizzle over your cake for an extra burst of flavor.

Fun Fact

Did you know that the zest of bitter oranges is used as a flavoring in some liqueurs? Some examples are liqueurs like Grand Marnier and Cointreau. It’s amazing how something as simple as orange zest can add such depth of flavor to these popular spirits!

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